Ok, I’m guilt of not updating here for a while. I have been working but since I’ve moved on to the right wing, I don’t feel like I’m plowing any new ground here, just redoing what I’ve already done once on the left.
I ordered a new countersink cutter since the original one was cutting oblong holes. I assume it was dulled from all of the countersinks on the left side. While I was at it, I went ahead and got a couple of different styles to see if I could keep it from chattering as much. I got the traditional 3-blade cutter from Avery Tools and also a 1-blade cutter from Cleveland tools. I like the 1 blade cutter a lot but it’s pretty agreesive…gotta be a bit careful.
After getting the new cutter, I finished countersinking the bottom holes on the spar and riveted all of the nutplates. Next, I got the right side ribs prepared, primed, bolted, and riveted to the wing.
That brings me to tonight where I spent about 1.5 hours getting the aileron bracket plates prepared and primed. I’ll rivet tomorrow.